Bilingualism is a person who can speak two or more languages with equal and less equal proficiency. A society is called bilingual if the people there speak more than one language. Bilingualism involves the study of two or more languages at the same time. Gloom field measured bilingualism as, “The native-like control of two languages”.
Impact Of Bilingualism
Bilingualism is more creative and flexible in their language. Bilingual people reveal better awareness of language and how it works. It gives the detail about two languages. People often think that bilingualism has a good impact on cognitive. People can learn very easily all detail of a language. The problem of bilingualism arises when the mother tongue proves to be insufficient for the complexity, verity and the international teamwork of modern knowledge. This gives rise to the need for a second language to serve the purpose. The study of an international language along with the study of international language becomes imperative in order to enable people to gain technical knowledge. Bilingual people are more sensitive in communication. Bilingual people are often able to familiarize themselves and detect concealed patterns.
Cultural Value
The study of the second language like the English language provides an opportunity to keep into the cultural heritage of the other nation. The study of its literature helps us to understand other nations and tradition. It leaves a good impact on the cognitive system of any nation. It is most important for all the people.
Promote International Understanding
The study of the literature on international language involves the study of customs institutions habits, history and cultural traditions. This helps to bring nations closer and promote international understandings. We should promote international understanding among the students. It is very important for the success of any country. It leaves good impacts on the minds of people.
Develop The Intellectual Facilities
The study or more than one language helps a man to get rid of his narrowness mind. It increases our mantel level in many ways. It has many beneficial points for all the people. Bilingualism has many good impacts on the people. It develops the intellectual facilities for all the people. It has many best impacts on the mind of the people. We should develop a system of bilingualism in our society.
No Extra Burden
It has been agreed that bilingualism causes of extra burden on the student’s minds. Modern research proves that a child is capable to learn more than one language. It has a good impact on the cognitive sense. We should develop bilingualism in all the country. It is a most important part for all the students to learn more languages in a society. It has many beneficial points in a society. Every person should learn very things in a language system.
Benefits Of Bilingualism
- Development of skills in collaboration and cooperation
- Appreciation of other cultures and languages
- Cognitive advantages
- Increased job opportunities
- Expand travel experiences
- Lower high school dropout rates
- Higher interest in attending college and universities
- Most beneficial for a country
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